Do Or Die has been reviewed by The Long and Short of It. It was given a rating of 4.5 books. Here's a snippet of the review,
Attempting to lead a normal life in a not-so-very normal world, Shylah relies on her ghostly boyfriend, Grayson to keep her grounded and focused. However, for an extremely talented telepathic war hero, that’s not as easy as it would sound. The reappearance of her ex-lover only complicates things in an epic way.
From the very beginning, Do or Die is packed with fantastic action. There is a surprise around every corner and a few that will take you completely by surprise. Interspersed with several sweetly sensual love scenes, the story develops at a rapid pace, dragging you further in with every page.
Much more than just a love story Do or Die is a story of true friendship and coming together against all odds. Set on an Earth vastly different but eerily familiar to the one we know and love, the interplanetary tensions and prejudices are more similar to our lives today than we’d ever care to admit. A great romance coupled with a life lesson so many still need to learn.
Reviewed by Cholla
It's also up for best book of the week at LASR, so if you get there by Sunday at Midnight, you can vote for it!