I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather these last few days. Needless to say, my productivity level has been minimal. So, I did what any normal woman would do…I slept and I ate some comfort food…what would settle well on the tummy anyway…which wasn’t much. And when I wasn’t sleeping…I watched Television. Yeah, it’s been a lot of fun around here. Oh…and I saw Martha again today. Jamie Oliver was on there…and let’s just say his segment wasn’t long enough. So that bummed me out. Really. I don’t know how popular he is in the States, but he’s pretty well known up here in Canada. So, for the first time in watching a new Martha episode, I felt cheated. I loved the makeover story…but well…I feel Jamie could have had some more airtime…he seemed a bit rushed. And they didn’t need to cut back on the bedroom makeover segment either. Enough said.
Here's Jamie's website for anyone that might be interested.
Jamie Oliver ~Marly
Jamie's cute! And I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. Hope your better soon.
Thanks for the well wishing! You're so sweet.
And I agree...Jamie is cute!!!
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