Monday, December 31, 2007

RWA Online, New Releases Chat, January 3rd, 9pm to 10pm!

Join us, Thursday, January 3rd from 9pm to 10pm for our first new releases chat of 2008! We'll be talking with Lori Devoti about her latest Nocturne Release, Guardian's Keep! I will also be talking about my new release Doorway to the Stars!
I'll see you in the RWA Online Public Chat room on Thursday night!
  • Link to RWA Online Public Chat room!

  • PhotobucketPhotobucket



    Anonymous said...

    Happy New Year, Marly!

    I'll try to make it to the chat!

    Marly Mathews said...

    I hope to see you there!
    Happy New Year to you, too! I hope it's a good one!

    Carol Ann said...

    Hi Marly, Happy New Year!

    Carol Ann

    Marly Mathews said...

    Happy New Year, to you too, Carol Ann!
