Friday, November 24, 2006

Release Date For The Promise!

I've been given the release date for my Christmas Miniature Faery Rose short story titled The Promise! Woo-Hoo! So mark your calendars, the release date is DECEMBER 1st!

Here's the blurb for The Promise and it will be available at The Wild Rose Press!

The Promise
Faery Miniature Rose
Marly Mathews

Holly St. Christian is a woman with no real place in the world. Her parents were killed in an accident when she was still a child, and her aunt died almost one year ago. She’s looking forward to a sad Christmas, she’ll be spending it alone…or so she thinks.

Nathanial Richardson is an intelligent wealthy businessman. He isn’t expecting to find love during the Christmas Holidays, but when Holly blows into his life all bets are off.

Can a matchmaking ghost bring these two together? Christmas is the best time for miracles, so it’s worth a try. Holly and Nathanial are linked in more ways than one. By falling in love they’ll fulfill a promise never kept, and they’ll finally put a wandering spirit at rest—perhaps, the ghost will even be given his angel wings.

Available December 1st at The Wild Rose Press!

  • The Wild Rose Press

  • ~Marly


    Ellen said...

    It sounds like a wonderful story, Marly. Congrats on your release date. I can't wait to read it!

    Marly Mathews said...

    Aww...thanks, Ellen. You are so sweet. We'll both have Christmas releases out together!
